Avocado is a key foreign exchange earner as it accounts for about one-fifth of the total horticultural exports in Kenya. They have also seen an increase in their yields as well as income. 3. Feb 05. how many hass avocado trees per acre in kenya. (Common avocado varieties) Hass and Fuerte: These two varieties are used as scions (upper parts of grafted fruits). It does well in areas with well-drained soil, a moderate to high supply of rainfall, adequate sunlight, and a soil P.H of about 6.5 to 8. Avocado Yield Per Acre Did you know that, the average return of Avo... cado farming in Kenya is 87,000 fruits per acre. Avo-can-do: How avocado farming is helping Tanzanian communities flourish. Farm Journal Media has a diverse line up of co-located events and programs as well as breakout sessions. His trees, planted in regimental rows, have far outperformed coffee: just seven avocado trees generated about as much income as 500 coffee trees, he said, making the decision to switch to Hass and Fuerte avocados easy. 10 years ago. Margy Eckelkamp. Where topography permits, pruning operations, as well as spraying, are also being mechanised. There is great potential for Hass avocado production, especially for export. Your three to four years avocado tree yields 300- 400 kilograms of fruit per acre while a tree older than five years gives you 800- 1000 kilograms fruits. Puebla: Used as rootstock by many farmers as it has no fibre and is resistant to diseases. Tree nutrition is also receiving attention as an integral part of maintaining a viable productive canopy. Figure 2 is a plot plan after the first removal of trees. I am saying this because passion fruit has proven to have: A low cost of production per acre; A ready market; High yields per unit area, Handsome profits for every acre of fruit. Planting Book 1 Chapter 6 – 78 It has been suggested by Reuben Hofshi (Hofshi 1999) that Hass avocados might be grown on a high density close spacing, the benefits being improved yield per acre and less costs for harvesting. READ ALSO: List of crops with highest profit per acre in Kenya The tree can be grown in almost any region where crop farming of the grass family of plants is viable . To reap healthy rewards, it is essential to do a full risk assessment before you start and maintain a healthy plantation that gives top yields for many years. ... A medium high density planting would be about 300 trees per acre. It’s typically a one person job. For this study, we used an average yield of about 16,500 pounds (300 bushels) per acre for a reasonably well-managed orchard. I need more information on the market in Kenya since I plan to plant an acre of Plantain for commercial purposes. Rated 5 out of 5. This is a recommended number for the dwarf apple trees. Table 2 is a large table broken into several parts which determine trees per acre for many combinations of spacings when distances between trees and rows vary. Passion production production profits per acre: I f there is any crop that can unlock your farm’s fortunes, and make you scream alleluia, then it is passion fruit. This practise might limit the alternate bearing pattern of avocados and prevent the "small fruit" problerm of older Hass trees. Since they embraced Hass variety they have seen an emergence of many buyers such as; Kakuzi, Vegpro, Olvando among others. 3krvskdwh dqg pdqxuh 3uhsduh krohv [ [ fp ohqjwk [ zlgwk [ ghswk d prqwk ehiruh sodqwlqj 6hsdudwh wkh wrs dqg vxe vrlov 0l[ wkh wrs vrlo Avocado fruit business is growing rapidly in Kenya with small-scale farmers reaping profits from this investment.It is viable with benefit-cost ratio>1 and affordable initial capital requirements.Demand projections for the consumption of Kenyan grown Hass avocado fruits locally and internationally is increasing due to its inherent characteristics and adherence to Organic production. “We have approximately 160 plants per acre with a spacing of 4meters between plants. Instead of growing the recommended 150 trees per acre, farmers grow 3 times that. >> Poor orchard management - In many areas, mango trees are left to grow so big that pest and disease management, harvesting and other field operations are difficult to implement. Except in big or commercial farms, mango trees are normally scattered around the gardens, ranging from 2 to 100 trees per … Generally, the average yield of Hass avocados is 87,780 fruits per acre. The number of trees per acre is called tree density and it has been increased from before. In Africa, Kenya is the second largest exporter of avocados after South Africa. How many plantain seedling per acre ? This is very good information on Plantain seedlings. The trees are two and a half years old and we already did our first harvest of about 30 tonnes per acre. Hass avocado farming has a promising future and it is for this reason that many farmers in different parts of the country embrace it. It costs $200 per acre for contractors to apply the mulch. If you have calculated 20 foot spacing between rows then you would have 10 rows of trees… In fact, most avocados … HAB is the only avocado organization that equips the entire global industry for success by collecting, focusing and distributing investments to maintain and expand demand for avocados in the United States. Farmers need to plant many hass avocado trees to be able to capture big buyers such as Kakuzi as well as the export market,” he advised. The Hass avocado is a large-sized fruit weighing 200 to 300 grams.When ripe, the skin becomes a dark purplish-black and yields to gentle pressure. Hello Pascal Chyk, I am from Kenya and we can work out that business on you importing hass avocado seedlings to Nigeria from Kenya. It was first grown and sold by Southern California mail carrier and amateur horticulturist Rudolph Hass, who also gave it his name.. Janet Sang – April 22, 2020. Kenya’s dried avocado export has been rising, with the country selling … Hass Avocado At the Ninth World Avocado Congress in Medelin, Colombia, in September 2019, Kenya was ranked seventh among leading avocado exporters … How to Care for Hass Avocado Trees. It Kenya currently has just about 46,000 acres under private commercial tree farming, which is hardly enough to feed the booming demand for timber for construction, biomass energy and printing. They are popular because of their high oil content. Sustainability. The second harvest, later this year, would translate to about 80 tonnes an acre,” noted Njenga. When the trees start to crowd, in about eight years with normal growth rate, the first tree removal should be undertaken. As sun-worshippers that produce tasty green fruit, Hass avocado trees are a low-maintenance addition to a garden. Avocado yield varies from less than 11,000 pounds per acre in a poorly managed orchard to more than 20,000 pounds per acre in a well-managed orchard, Yield also varies by variety. many growers. Though in many European orchards the number of trees per acre is set at 5,000 trees or more, in the US the apple tree density starts at 450-485 trees per acre with a maximum of 1,100 trees/acre. Kenya produces an estimated 115,000 metric tonnes of avocados annually, 70 per cent of which is grown by smallholder farmers. We sell Hass avocado seedlings for Kenya shillings 150/= per piece/plant. trees per acre when trees are planted, or are growing, in a grid, square, or at equal spacings. Avocado has two seasons per year. WE don’t think in terms of pounds of fruit per tree rather pounds per acre. “We cultivate avocados with my brother Stanley Gaithaiya on our family land. SUMMARY A method has been outlined whereby a grower may project for himself the greatest number of trees per acre that it is feasible to plant in planning a new avocado orchard. Every other tree in each row (or diagonal rows) has been removed, leaving 55 trees per acre (42 Hass and 13 Bacon). The farm started its Hass avocado growing in 2018, with a block of 15 acres which is also serving as their mother garden for Hass avocado trees, used to graft new seedlings. “Ganter” yields about 44 pounds of 5 1/2-ounce avocados a year. Clonal rootstock trees with wraps cost $27.50 per unit and stakes (2x2x6ft) cost $2.20 per unit based on bulk purchase price. The Hass avocado is a cultivar of avocado (Persea americana) with dark green–colored, bumpy skin. The formula for calculating the trees per acre … ... HASS AVOCADO … In Israel, “Duke” has borne 168 pounds of 3 1/2- to 7-ounce avocados a year from its sixth to 15th year of production. Once you have calculated the distance between trees and distance between rows, you can then calculate how many rows of trees you would have for an acre. (80,000- 100,000 fruits per acre). Each time, it is applied at 200 cubic yards per acre at a price of $2.50 per cubic yard. Cultivation of Hass avocado is a journey that requires a lot of patience as it takes at least 2 years for the trees to mature and bear fruit. The Hass Avocado Board (HAB) exists to help make avocados America’s most popular fruit. ICRAF (World Agroforestry Centre), Nairobi, Kenya. / how many hass avocado trees per acre in kenya. Avocado farming is a long-term project, with initial high costs at planting, followed by a 3-5 year wait for the trees to come into production. with an original planting of 66 trees per acre, and eight years sooner than by starling out with 33 trees per acre. As the years’ progress, and the trees increase production, the farmer thins them. One of his mature Hass trees, he said, produces up to 1,200 fruits in a season, while a Fuerte tree gives 2,000 to 3,000.