Ahhh such an epiphany. Black Magic in Islam. 9 years ago. But you know what I know Allah heard me all the time, so I keep on to him...I believe. Can I worship the Hindu god after I accept Islam? So you can get married to her. Don't worry. Tagged all type problem solution, allah ko razi karne ki dua, allah listen to our prayers, allah listen to prayer, allah names wazaif, allah se dua, Amal for Husband Love, Amal for marriage, amal for rizq, amal love marriage in islam, amal love marriages, amal love marriages islam, Amal To Get Love Back, Does allah forgive all sins. That illustration is only to show us that Allah cares very much about our emotions and the desires we have for something to be a certain way. November 26, 2015 by miyaferozkhan0001 Leave a comment. Brother, All i would like to say, In your prayer when you go to Rakuh, SamiAllah huliman hamidah Alhamdulilah it feels great to know that whatever is happening is Allah's will and he is dong everything for my well being. The laws of the spirit world Prayer Does God listen to our prayers? (40:60)" "And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way. —Read Matthew 6:7. i have a question like mr hassani...but i got ans from md ali..thank you for your wonderful reply...its a very help full for me... and i have a one question...in shabe kador night..allah accept our all prayer..how can i pray allah that night for his happiness and give us his rewards for us, Slaam my name is Zahara Does Allah Listen To Our Prayers? In one verse, Allah states: Man prays for evil just as he prays for good. allah listen to our prayers, how to remove kala jadu for black magic+91-7728010012. I just want them to stop and don't really want to go to a therapist or get on medication. One day I went into the bathroom and found her splashing her hands in the toilet seat and trying to drink whatever water she could get in her tiny hands. Why we do pray ALLAH ? Guess Who? God hears every prayer and can see every thought. The Mualim had shared about listening to Allah and obeying Allah through intuition. The Prayer of Need (Salat al-Hajah) or Istikhara? Is it not more important to marry a good man/woman who follows good teachings rather than to marry a labeled "muslim" with bad character? (Philippians 4:6, 7) Yet, some prayers displease God. This HD video includes of question asked in the question & answer session of the lecture delivered by Dr. Zakir Naik on the topic "Salaah - A program for Righteousness" . HOW CAN ONE BEING SAY HE IS SINLESS, WHEN I KNOW HOW CLOSE YOU GET TO A SIN AND JUST WITHDRAW. Might be if you get what you want you get lost in you own world . Now since the Ishthekhara has been done please suggest a future course of action. "Call upon Me, and I will answer you. Furthermore, when in tribulations and trials, we disobey God’s orchestrations and arrangements, wanting Him to take away the bitter cup, so that we would no longer suffer. Islamic dua for get your love back. Let's believe and stay calm and firm to his results... Assalaam Walekum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu Brother. Allah will always listen to your prayers. Amin. Why must I pray if Allah does not need my prayer? Then why Allah did not listen me... Wait and watch Now you may think I am asking for a Ferrari and a $4 mil house (My dream house costs that much!). Our prayers are being listened to and answered, even if we know it or not. Allah does not give any person more than what he can bear. Doubting Allah’s answer means that one fails to appreciate His power. Allah answers each prayer with great ease. MUCH OF YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN WITHOUT EVEN NOTICING THEM, AND THOSE WHICH CANNOT BE FORGIVEN WE TURN BACK TO YOU,FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. Love is that feeling which makes that saying true that; two body and one soul. Its not over ’til the Trumpet is Blown – Sin and Repentance in Islam, The Sin of Fornication and Adultery – Part 1, The Sin of Adultery and Fornication – Part 2, The Sin of Adultery and Fornication – Part 3. After reading my title, you must think I'm a lunatic for doubting Allah (swt). Why does Allah never answer my prayers If you are seeking the answer to the question as to whether or not Allah Tallah answers your Duas, the answer is – well, both yes and no. We are a precious creation that He made with a purpose, and He loves for us to come to Him and bring all our troubles and needs to Him. To say an obsession is from Allah is incorrect. Each person is better off and i have been ripped off in life. How to Break Black Magic in Islam. When you go to garbage dump, you come out smelling like garbage. Tears will fall after reading this.....they will, sooner or later!!!!! Please provide me with a wazifa to solve my problems and last but not the least please pray for me maybe Allah will listen to your prayers. In our prayers, we often want God to do things according to our own will. A young man had been to Wednesday Night Class of Quranic Studies. Inshallah this mindset will get us through tough times. May Allah The most forgiving have mercy upon me for if I have written something intentionally or unintentionally wrong about HIM and His Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa sallam. But instead, why isn't it seen as marrying an individual who follows the proper teachings of the book? InshAllah IslamicAnswers.com Staff Photo Gallery. regardless of religion, spending your life with a lying or alcoholic, etc, any non practising muslim who is muslim by title is far worse than marrying a good person who may not be muslim. Amal for Married Soon with Your love . Please help me . By molvi07869. September 4, 2015 — 0 Comments. So what? In other word, they try to Christianize Allah’s image. So all the cries, and pleas you have been making, not to be forgetting every single breath of troubled heart you have been taking in and out, is not ignored by the Almighty.Every single one is noted.And even times in which after crying for long a person almost reaches a state where he feels like unconcious those moments are also been recorded, He records every minute detail. It is the bare minimum, basic requirement of our deen, but  I am a fa... picture from: thebeautyonline.com Assalamualaikum,  When I started to blog, my intention was to grow as a muslimah but also to share wit... After reading my title, you must think I'm a lunatic for doubting Allah (swt). Yes, it broke my heart, too. allah listen to our prayers How to Break Black Magic in Islam. Yup you are absolutely right! I yelled. Warmth is the most enchanting some portion of our life. Sometimes Allah likes you so much and want you to be more close to him. My innocent baby thinks all these actions are fun and must think I am terrible for stopping her. Yes, Allah listens to those who call upon Allah. most important topic: shirkhttp://youtu.be/TrvsrBFvgPY & #Repentance: http://y2u.be/t0UQdkYuWwUDo share & subscribe to https://www.facebook.com/info.truefaceofislamhttps://www.youtube.com/user/ncapcs?sub_confirmation=1. Tag Archives: allah listen to our prayers. I thought, "Maybe Allah (swt) is busy helping other needy people." I wanted to share this feeling and mindset so that if anyone out ther felt dejected and distraught like me can consider this uplifting and consoling mindset. But if you truly repent and ask Allah for forgiveness, He will forgive you and continue to hear your needs. We tend to have bad work days, disputes with family and friends that sadden us, we tend to have an emotional breakdown when we lose a loved one and there are other instances when we get sadden and worried. But He (swt) knows what is best for me, even if I don't. A lot of us feel as though our prayers go unheard because we don’t take the time to listen to what he says. The real God is God the Father, the Christian God, whose son is Jesus. An ayat that really comforts me when I'm feeling overwhelmed with despair is from Surah Yunas, perhaps it will comfort you as well: (10:107) If Allah afflicts you with any hardship, none other than He can remove it; and if He wills any good for you, none can avert His bounty. I have also got my parents mad with me. How to Break Black Magic in Islam. Does Allah Always Answer Your Dua? In the Quran, God clearly says that He will answer the prayers of those who pray to Him: "When My servants ask thee [O Muhammad] concerning Me, [tell them] I am indeed close: I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way" (Quran 2:186) I have my one year old princess to thank for giving me an epiphany about the mercy and love of Allah (swt). now can you tell me was that a haram desire/wish to have baby boy as my first child ? Will allah be happy with me. For example, repeating memorized prayers does not please him. if one fall in love with a non muslim ... is it a sin ? Anonymous. November 5, 2016 / mooradalikhan / Leave a comment . Why is it now allowed for a woman to marry outside of islam then? With that loaded schedule and hectic pace of life you (think) you don’t have the time to pray five times a day. And then sometimes I start to attack myself and think " I am probably such a big sinner that my Duas just won't reach him." Even the likes of most pious people in Islam, when they wanted something from Allah subhaanwataala, would make supplications presenting themselves as biggest sinners.Once in Mecca , while people were doing Tawaaf, they heard a man ,with covered face, begging and crying next To Allah's House.He was again and again saying: o my lord, i am the biggest sinner amongst your creation, please forgive me, for I have committed this, and that.And his tears could be seen dropping by everyone.Such was his begging that every pious men around stopped their tawaaf and came to him.They felt compassionate about him.They asked him, ohh man show us your face, tell us about yourself, so that we can ask for your forgiveness.After intial reluctance the man shows his face,and every single man present was stunned.They were stunned as it was none other than Hazrat Zain- ul- Aabidin Rahmatullahi alaihi.He was that man who saw everything in his life being destroyed for the sake of Islam,when every one of his family was massacred at Karbala.After which Through him Islam was revived once again. Do you think allah will forgive me.? Well, I was for the past few weeks. Also, whenever I get down b/c I feel that my du'aas aren't being answered, I remind myself that Allah (SWT) has said that He will compensate us for those du'aas that are not answered with something so good (either in this life or in the akhira) that when we reach the akhira, we will wish that none of our du'aas had ever been answered!So it's nice to know that w/e du'aa of ours are not being answered, i'A we are getting something even better in return for it :). Amal for Married Soon with Your love. As a result, the more we pray in this way, the further we stray from God. My brother , Allah has mentioned in Quran for people like you: TELL THEM WHO HAVE SINNED AND ARE REPENTING, NOT TO FEEL THAT THEIR SINS WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN, FOR SURE AND WITHOUT DOUBT ALLAH WILL FORGIVE ALL THE SINS. The Muslim (Scholar) had shared about listening to Allah and obeying Allah through intuition. Assalamualaikum, I wanted to write about my struggle in reading Namaz. I've been having anxiety problems along with racing repetitive thoughts for a few months now. Lastly, He bestows good upon whomsoever of His servants He wills. I wanted to know if we are obsessed with something and and we keep thinking of things that make us cry all the time is that from Allah swell as in did Allah plan that too for us. One of my reasons to blog is to surround myself with amazing muslimah bloggers who will positively affect my life. If you already have there’s a good chance that your dua has not yet been accepted and which is why now you are reading this blog. He is just testing you to see how much patience you have, then He’ll answer your prayer Inshallah, and give you something even BETTER than what you’ve been praying for. Does Allah Need Our Salah? Allah listens to our prayers. Allah (Subhan'o'Ta'ala) does listen to prayers. What you mentioned about Allah counting the tears of a woman is not literal. Indeed, part of our purpose for being is to realize just how dependent we are on Him, and apart from Him we can do nothing. She was amazed by how long she could roll out the toilet paper and how much water she could spill from the lotha. I think that Allah always listens to our prayers but you know if you want to make your prayers accepted, just try to make wudu and do them 5x per day. Why such a burden and obligation? Yes, Allah responds to dua. I want a beautiful name for my newborn baby, Wazifa/dua for convincing parents to let me attend the university I like, I met a beautiful girl while already engaged, so I prayed Istikhara, I’m so ashamed of having relations with this man. How to Break Black Magic in Islam,” It is firmly conceivable with islam to perform dark enchantment and additionally invert dark enchantment on anyone who’ve connected over a person. He is there Alhamdulillah listening and wanting to give me what I want. Thank you Ustaz @miziwahid for the reminder for all of us Renungan malam untuk kita. Man and woman both are equal infront of eyes of Allah subhaan wataalla. Allah listens to our prayers. This is an analogy to show that the friends you surround yourself with have a BIG impact on you. Allah did not accepted my praying like a begger...Allah did not saw my crying...Allah did not see my hard work day and night...Allah did not save the respect of my parents and mine...why why why why why???? "Nooooo!" Allah hears all things, whether we are praying and saying them out loud or just in our hearts. Dark enchantment including the assumed summon of fiendishness spirits for abhorrence purposes. We never were taught that Allah loves to answer our prayers, or that we can come to him as we are and bring our requests. Yet, living now in a western country, I see that Muslims seek to “adapt” the image of Allah to what is taught in the Bible and try to make Allah look similar to the biblical God. I wanted to share a naat ( or maybe a few) that I just love to listen to. I loved Mohammed Ali's response. If Allah answers your prayers, He is increasing your faith. Sometimes they are okay, and at times they are at their worst. 1 Post. What for? Is it forgivable? obvious answer is no, then it is evident that we pray for our desires. (2:186)" And does Allah respond to duas? (173)My Instagram id is http://Instagram.com/abhimanyubhattacharjee1906/ And furthermore, I read that the reason it is not allowed for a woman to marry a non-muslim man is because the man dictates the religion of the household and the kids after. Well.... Allah (swt) loves me 70x more than a mothers love. His parents won’t accept me because I am not Muslim, Brother made sex videos, repented, but the videos still exist, At 14 I touched my 9 year old cousin, I am ashamed, Constant fear of my prayers being invalid due to impurity. (Proverbs 28:9) For example, in Bible times, God refused to listen to Israelites who were guilty of murder. However, nowadays the woman is considered the head of the household and mostly everything is followed from the mothers side; she is considered the head of the household, especially in western society, the woman dictates the lifestyle of her family far more than the man. Such is the kindness of our Lord. Please someone answer this question i also wanna know this? Indeed, part of our purpose for being is to realize just how dependent we are on Him, and apart from Him we can do nothing. My thoughts on discovering Allah (swt) in everyday life; Islamically approaching marriage and parenting; Sharing advice about beauty and health; Living the frugal lifestyle as a dental student, So true, subhan'Allah! We all sin, and you are right that sins have consequences of separating us from Allah. When you say you can’t pray, but Allah says yes, you can. He treasures the vulnerability in all humanity, both male and female, because according to hadith we are all equal as teeth on a comb. Allah always answers our prayers, and sometimes we think that He has not answered our prayers, but He surely replies to our Du'as. A nice story testing FAITH A young man had been to Wednesday Night Class of Quranic Studies. Thereby we come to know HIS Gafururrahim Sifat. Just like I cannot let my daughter do all these "fun"/dangerous things because I know what is best for her, Allah cannot always answer my prayers the way I ask them. I look around and feel that all my friends and cousins are more lucky than me. EK AURAT HI EK AURAT KA DUKH DARD SAMAJH SKTI HAI Contact Miya feroz khan. I was just very upset with life. I cry most of nights while praying to ALLAH. I know I am not such pious man that ALLAH accept my pray quickly. However, “answering a prayer” does not mean that the person receives an immediate answer or even the one that he or she is expecting. But not the other way round. 2 3. Allahuakbar!! But we must be patient because Allah is looking out for our best in all situations. My brother, taubah which you have been blessed with is key to all locked fortunes in your life.And tell me how could an ordinary man like me can ask for Taubah, without having a realisation of having committed something wrong.As Hazrat Umar Radiallahu Taalla Anhu once described, a person who has accepted Islam can only define correctly what it is like being kafir or doing kufra.Some people are meant to get closeness of Allah Paak through the door of Taubah. Allah does not count anything; He has no need to. It is past down in Hadiths of Aap Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam that: On the day on judgement, when momin, will be rewarded for their unanswered prayers, they would say: Wish none of my prayers were answered in the world.And the reason for delay in answer or not answering of prayers was just that if, answered that would have done more harm to him than good. He was not a sinner but while making duwa he acted like one just to get benefit of that Rahamat of Rabbil Aalamin which is only reserved for people who come to knock at the door of Tauba. "That's not good for you baby!! My dear brother you not the only one, I understand you clearly because I'm facing same Problems yet I have no one to share with crying and talking to myself everyday yet nothing. I now wonder if i pray and ask allah for forgiveness will he forgive me and listen to my dua's. and if a person is not able to get out of that love than is that a sin ?i don't know that i am obsessed or i am falling more in love with him.... i don't know what to do .. i cry all the time... please help me. This Ramadan is a really good time to start I just recently heard that for a person who does Ramadan correctly with true, clean intentions, Allah forgives all of their sins. Do we really have excuses to not pray? Instead, I pray to Allah for my husband to get a good job and for there to be love and peace in my family. Jazakallah in advance! I saw Prophets Moosa, Muhammad and Esaah (peace be upon them all) in my dream. Please know that Allah is supporting you even if you feel you can't support yourself. Also, Jehovah dislikes the prayers of people who willfully disregard his law. 10 MIRACLES YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT PROPHET MUHAMMAD; Kale Jadu Ki Pahechan; Shitan Se bachney ka Wazifa; The Meaning Of The Word Jinn; Ruhani Wazifa for Love Come Back in Urdu ; Shetan Ki Qasam; Kalajadu … We tend to face challenges and get depressed. And by committing a sin and then realising it, and then asking for forgiveness one tends to knock at the door of Tauba, which is kept open for believers,till the day of Judgement.So knock as much as you can. Well, I was for the past few weeks. The young man couldn't help but wonder, 'Does Allah still speak to people through intuition?' Do you really believe that? Brother, as a common man we can only come to know that our taubah has been accepted, by signs in our day to day life.Like you will find yourself detached from things, company which you used to enjoy before repenting.If after repenting your way of living life has changed then , Inshaallah your Taubah has been accepted in the court of Almighty. I was just very upset with life. I am making a transition from listening to songs, whether hindi so... Assalamualaikum my dear friends! We have the ability to control/ change our thoughts. The warmth and association is … When we turn to Allah for any and all needs or wishes, we are acting according to our fitra. Will my future wife also have engaged in sexting? Your present state ( Allah The All Knowing ,knows better) is one of the most best a human being can achieve.Even people close to Almighty, take refuge in such states to be closer to the Almighty.Allah Tabarakwa taalla has sent us down to earth just to know HIM. Allah has asserted in no uncertain language about Him listening to our dua. Allah SWT says to marry a man/woman of the book, it has always been interpreted as marry a man is islam and a woman of jewish, christian, or muslim belief. :). A true love is a mirror as well soul representation of a human’s heart. However, there is always distressing turmoil in my house due to reasons I cannot control. Allah listens to our prayers. believe in My Oneness (Islamic Monotheism) and ask Me for anything) I … Allah does listen to your prayers, He just doesn’t answer them when you want them to be answered. Even as you sit idle on the place of worship, there are angels who are reffering to Allah Tabarakwataalla to forgive you and make you clean as a new born baby,and turn all your bad deeds into good. I feel so relieved to have had this realization. One of the ways Allah Most High responds is by guiding us to not take a certain course of action, even though that course of action seems so pleasing and right to us. "Allah listens to the one who praises Him". When you go into a perfume store, you come out smelling like perfume. Blog Stats. HOW TO DO ISTIKHARA FOR MARRIAGE IN URDU “, Dua about growing the organization is all the more capable warmth seen between adoration to increment in spite of sweetheart or accomplice. Tag Archives: allah listen to our prayers HOW TO DO ISTIKHARA FOR MARRIAGE IN URDU November 11, 2016. My second question is that i heard somewhere that ALLAH see & like counts the tears of a women when she cries?Is it true?if yes then what happens if a man cries?Does ALLAH take pity on that too??? Now you may think I am asking for a Ferrari and a $4 mil house (My dream house costs that much!). May Allah (swt) reward you for such a response Br.Mohammed Ali. I'm sorry" and hurriedly washed her hands. It felt that I would pray and pray but never get what I ask for from Allah. O My Dear Allah. This happens so many times a day (not with the toilet thankfully). I cannot answer all my daughters wishes because I love her so much. He hears our prayers and answers them, but the answer isn’t always “yes.” The things we ask for sometimes could lead to someplace far worse than we are now, so trust that the All Merciful knows what’s best for you. if that was not then why was that neglected and not once, multiple times. I also played and cried alot for completion of my wish....but Allah did not listen me...and my wish is not completed.. i have done alot of sins, i have gotten in bad things, some include watching bad things. Then why did allah allow their paths to cross? And if you pray and cry next time please include all the sinners out here also.Because Huzoor Khatamul Nabi sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has told, that none of you can be a muslim if you cannot feel what pains your brother muslim from the east or west. Allah hears all things, whether we are praying and saying them out loud or just in our hearts. She died before becoming Muslim, can I pray for her? Well, I was for the past few weeks. does he need our prayers ? I personally have prayers He hasn’t answered yet, but I just keep in mind that He’ll answer my prayer soon Inshallah! A young man had been to Wednesday Night Class of Quranic Studies.The Muslim (Scholar) had shared about listening to Allah and obeying Allah through intuition. Consider the following verses from the Quran and prophet’s (s)Hadith: Allah says: (Interpretation of the meaning): “And your Lord said: Invoke Me (i.e. As you mentioned, there are … Relation ship with non mehrem men whether muslim or non muslim it is sin and not allowed in islam ...marriage with non muslim is not allowed .. If I truly ask in my prayer for relief, will I get it? Contemplation night for us. It’s not that he didn’t answer it’s a matter of were you listening. I feel as if i am losing faith. Allah does listen, and wants you to make dua. The young man couldn't help but wonder, 'Does Allah still speak to people through intuition?' Whether it's trying to jump off a flight of stairs or preventing her from eating a dime. January 1, 2016 by miyakhan8787 Leave a comment. If you were obsessed with pornography would that be from Allah? Does praying & crying to ALLAH changes ones future? IF I WAS TO GIVE JUDGEMENT FOR YOUR SINS IN THIS WORLD NONE OF THE LIVING THING WOULD HAVE LEFT ALIVE. Thank You all for this beautiful reminder#may Allah grand us pure understanding . A nice story testing FAITH -.A young man had been to Wednesday Night Class of Quranic Studies. After reading my title, you must think I'm a lunatic for doubting Allah (swt). He will answer all of your duas according to His perfect decree for your life, and you can trust that anything that happens is just as He planned for you. We are a precious creation that He made with a purpose, and He loves for us to come to Him and bring all our troubles and needs to Him. So when my daughter learned to crawl, she realized the realm of the bathroom. I have some questions regarding your answer: Thank you. This thought struck my mind and I saw an analogy. Does ALLAH listen to my prayers?Or because I was bad & sinned in my past so ALLAH will not listen to me? Being a Muslim does not mean that Allah won’t put us in a trial. Tag: allah listen to our prayers. 18,962 hits; Recent Posts. A muslim man can marry a non-muslim women. I keep talking like I am saying this all to ALLAH just like when you are in pain and you blast out & say whats in your heart. How great is this sin in the grand scheme of islam? There must be somthing more better then this for you. It sounds as if you are going through a very difficult time. I have already mentioned the wazifas i have performed. If we can't do it ourselves we should seek professional help in doing so. It felt that I would pray and pray but never get what I ask for from Allah. He is AllForgiving, All-Merciful.'. September 4, 2015 / amalformarriage / Leave a comment. No, we have control over our thoughts. May Allah bless you with peace in your heart and accept all your prayers in a way which would be good for you.Aameen. Sorry to tell you this but Allah isn't God and Islam isn't the answer. We always need your help because sometimes we cant control ourselves. The young man couldn't help but wonder, 'Does Allah still speak to people through intuition?' We he ever be happy with me again. The Muslim (Scholar) had shared about listening to Allah and obeying Allah through intuition. I want to know that does ALLAH like when people cry & ask for something? Tag Archives: allah listen to our prayers.