Using gender theory by Judith Butler and a variety of theory on gender in media and culture specifically, an analysis focused on the representation of gender will be carried out for the chosen case studies of Cinderella (1950), The women in these films, including Cinderella, helped to reinforce these gender expectations and expressed the women's acceptance of their roles in life. Throughout history, fairy tales have captivated the hearts and minds of fans and critics alike. It is Anna who saves her sister Elsa by making her realise that she can control her powers through an act of true love in the end. Ritam Dutta. download word file, 6 pages, 4.7 1 reviews. The Making of a Woman: Gender stereotypes in Cinderella and Aschenputtel . In his version, his characters’ personalities, wealth and status are rigidly based on sex. Cinderella’s dad remarries a woman with two daughters, then dies. an idea of gender representation and its progression over time. However, rewatching the movie has made me realize how society has changed overtime and how gender roles have changed. Gender Roles In Cinderella And Cinderella. Elisabeth Pantaja points out that this FT reflectsand reinforces feudal ideas rather than Keywords morals, critics, virtues, Fairy tale, negative effects. In Frozen it is the female character Anna who is the stronger character, unlike Cinderella. Cinderella Told Through the Centuries: Reshaping Gender Stereotypes From the parlours of the French aristocracy, to the folk tales of Germany’s middle class, and now to every child in America, the tale of Cinderella is a relic that has been passed down through the generations. Charles Perrault wrote what would be known as the standard Cinderella to reflect the ideal gender roles of the French court. Cinderella Cinderella is yet another Disney classic that enforces gender roles by portraying women in a negative light. The domestication of women was quite expected, especially when Disney's version of Cinderella was originally released. The gender role … Cinderella is a classic movie that a lot of people watched growing up. Cinderella and Ever After: A Comparison of Gender Stereotypes Fairy tales often reflect society’s socially accepted values. It’s worth noting here as well that Cinderella takes place in the past, most likely in the 1800s. The Cinderella story is a well-known one, but here’s the basic summary. Gender Roles In Cinderella 1523 Words 7 Pages The Walt Disney company ("Disney") started with its animated characters and ventured into other nearby organizations with the objective of conveying happiness to families by means of a few distinctive, yet related roads. Gender roles in Cinderella. The ugly stepsisters are not ugly, they are 'beautiful and fair of face, but vile and black of heart' (their true nature is hidden by their pretty face) and Cinderella is 'deformed'. Young girls are hounded with the image of princesses who tell them that the key of happiness is being fashionable, beautiful, and finding a Prince. Cinderella, when taking a deeper analytical analysis of the context, is a clear illustration of white supremacy, as it follows demanding binary roles … 0 Like 0 Tweet. Cinderella Told Through The Centuries : Reshaping Gender Stereotypes Essay 1437 Words | 6 Pages. However, contrary to their knowledge, there are hidden, but prominent displays of racism, sexism, classism, and expression of gender roles. It goes hand in hand with West and Zimmerman’s theory of “doing gender” and “contributes to, reaffirms, and reproduces masculine dominance and feminine submissiveness” (Conley 282). Because of this, the film might be tied to representing gender roles as accurate to its time period, meaning that women would be far more traditional and unequal than they are now. Downloaded 129 times. Essay by vicchick_007, A+, July 2004 .