Separation of Commercial Forestry. Answer: Question 17. Dams make sure water is available for crops throughout the year. (CBSE Delhi 2009 C) State any two reasons for lauching the “Ganga Action Plan”. What is dam ? (CCE 2011) They are called fossil fuels because they have been formed million of years ago inside the earth from buried vegetation due to high pressure, temperature and anaerobic conditions. Give four advantages of building a dam over a river. There is such a high demand for resources such as diesel, gasoline, coal and natural gas – just to name a few. Forests are called biodiversity hot . Question 18. List four ways in which management of fossil fuels differ from natural resources of energy. Advantages of building dams:(i) Power is generated without causing pollution. Environmental problems. List any two causes for deforestation taking place. Discuss two such issues. Water Resources: My major stress will be. coal, petroleum, natural gas. Answer: Useful plants required for meeting commercial needs should be planted separately so that there is no undue pressure on natural forests. Please wait. Question 14. Justify this statement with two arguments. List two ways that you’would suggest every family member to save this resource. Immersion of ashes, bathing, washing and throwing of carcases. List two main causes of the pollution of river Ganga. A large forest area is submerged causing deforestation, loss of biodiversity, raising atmospheres temperature and increasing emission of methane. Judicious use of water for domestic and industrial purposes. Conservation is protection, augmentation and scientific management of a resource so as to maintain it at its optimum level while providing sustainable benefits for the present as well as future generations. (CBSE A.I. Ground water recharge is the best form of water harvesting as the water is filtered and free from contaminations. Name one bio-diversity hot-spot. They are limited in supply. Question 75. (CBSE Delhi 2017) and water supply for domestic and industrial uses. (CCE 2015) Their existence creates an ecological system near the area and shelters a variety of species. Mobile phone, T.V., Pen drive. List two problems in each case. (CCE 2015) (CCE 2014) .center { Answer: Question 71. “Affluent life style has a negative effect on the environment.” Justify this statement with the help of an example. … 4. Answer: From the following list, select the items that cpnstitute electronic waste : Mobile phone, T.V., Key Board, Pressure cooker, Key Ring , Pen drive and table. (b) Water Table. Dam PPT 1. (b) Coal Dams prevent loss of life and property caused by flooding . (CBSE A.I. Answer: Answer: By conserving biodiversity the welfare of the tribals will also be taken care of. Crystal Lombardo - October 30, 2016. Gadgets: Switching off lights, fans, T.V., radio and domestic gudgets not in use. What is meant by exploitation of resources with short term aims ? Increasing use of renewable energy source but not beyond its renewability. What are fossil fuels ? 2. Bacteria indicating pollution are called coliform bacteria (Escherichia colt). (CCE 2011) (CCE 2011) Excessive felling of trees, overgrazing, clearing for agriculture, roads, rails, canals, etc. (CBSE Foreign 2017) Definition: Natural resources are living and non-living components of nature which can be used by humans to meet their requirements. 2016) “Burning of fossil fuels results in global warming”. They can integrate the rural economy and agriculture with the rapidly growing urban economy and industrialisation. Its ‘sacred’ water is taken to homes and temples. (ii) It helps in irrigation and controlling floods.Disadvantages of building dams:(i) It destroys natural habitats of a large number of plants and animals. Answer: Why Conserve Forests: We should conserve forests because they not only provide a number of economically important products but also provide shelter to wild animals, protect soil, regulate water flow and climate. Environmental Changes: The impounded water raises atmospheric temperature and releases a lot of methane. Question 77. (CBSE Delhi 2009, CCE 2012) This means that it will never have to run out of supply and it will not become scarce. Answer: We should conserve forests because they not only provide a number of economically important products but also provide shelter to wild animals, protect soil, regulate water flow and climate. Suggest any two ways by which the balance between the envrionment and industrial development is maintained so as to help undisturbed survivial of the organisms on the earth. Development of social forestry, agroforestry and urban forestry. No pollution occurs during generation of electricity. 2008 C, 2017 CCE 2011) Tribals have been living in and around forests for centuries. (CCE 2011) It helps in maintaining level of ground water as it is regularly recharged. (CBSE Foreign 2016) How is it important ? • While the initial cost is high, they are very … Involving the local people in care of forests. State two reasons each of conserving Answer: (CCE 2011, 2015) Coal — 200 Years. Americans annually throw away about 50 billion food and drink cans and 27 billion glass botdes and jars. Fossil fuels were formed million of years ago due to burying of vegetation and other organic matter inside earth. Name the fossil fuels. Retains water underground and prevents drought. Question 2. It is a green house gas, which in excess is causing global warming. (CCE 2011) (CCE 2011) (CBSE A.I. (CBSE Delhi 2008) (CCE 2015) Carbon Dioxide. Long Term Prespective: There is sustainable exploitation of resources so that development and growth of economy continues for generations. Most of our water requirements are met by pumping out ground water which has, therefore, got depleted at most of the places. Question 42. State the causes of Chipko movement. Hydropower Generation3. Fossil fuels are energy yielding carbon containing combustible substances that are dug out from earth. Slums should be shifted away from the banks and parks developed there to prevent future encroachments. What are the products formed when combustion takes place in insufficient air ? Answer: State any four personal choices you would like to make to reduce energy consumption without affecting the quality of life or work explaining how each one of them would help you to do so. Dams play a vital role in the nation’s overall infrastructure. (b) Causes of Deforestation: Question 9. Short Term Aims: Exploitation of resources with short term aims is to obtain and utilise the resources to the maximum so that the benefits are available almost immediately. Controlled Exploitation: Exploitation of natural resources is limited so as to meet the just demands of the society. Answer: Question 22. They do not generate proportionate benefits. (CBSEA.I. Which one of the following is a renewable resource : Natural gas, petroleum, Ground water, coal ? (b) Name and explain any one way by which the underground water table does not go down further. Avoid inappropriate language and attention, vulgar terms and anything sexually suggestive. They have developed practices to avail different resources at different times of the year. Love of Nature. Wildlife is essential for maintaining the forests. The water can be saved for use another time when electricity demand is high.                                                                                                   Or Employment of alternate sources of energy like atomic energy and hydroelectric energy. Some of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Dams are as follows. Burning of fossil fuels releases a lot of carbon dioxide. (CBSE A.I. Wildlife and nature enthusiasts. Answer: Question 61. Answer: Question 62. The Advantages of Dam are: 1.Large Dams ensure storage of water for irrigation purposes and also for generating electricity. Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions 2018, Previous Year Question Papers for CBSE Class 10 Science, NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science, Value Based Questions in Science for Class 10, Previous Year Question Papers for CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources, Class 12 Biology Important Questions Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms, Business Studies Class 11 Important Questions Chapter 11 International Business, CBSE Important Extra Questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter Wise, Business Studies Class 11 Important Questions Chapter 10 Internal Trade, Business Studies Class 11 Important Questions Chapter 9 Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Business Studies Class 11 Important Questions Chapter 8 Sources of Business Finance, Business Studies Class 11 Important Questions Chapter 7 Formation of a Company, Business Studies Class 11 Important Questions Chapter 6 Social Responsibilities of Business and Business Ethics, Business Studies Class 11 Important Questions Chapter 5 Emerging Modes of Business, Class 12 Accountancy Important Questions Chapter 11 Cash Flow Statement, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions. (b) Chipko Movement : It is a non-political public movement for conservation of natural habitats, forests and wildlife by preventing their excessive exploitation. Mine Tailing8. Answer: Where are coliform bacteria found in human beings ? Answer: Question 8. This consists of 1 mark Questions, 3 Mark Numericals Questions, 5 Marks Numerical Questions and previous year questions from Management of Natural Resources Chapter. 3. (a) Fossil Fuel: Fossil fuels are energy yielding combustible substances that have been formed million of years ago by compression and anaerobic heating of organic matter. Therefore, authority for management of forest produce should be handed over to them. (CBSE Foreign 2017) Flooding and soil erosion are prevented as trees in water-shed area retain more water underground. List four changes you would incorporate in your life style in a move towards sustainable use of available resources. (b) A long term prospective must be taken into considerations during management of natural resources so that latter continue to remain available for future generations. (b) Forests are “biodiversity hotspots”. }, No software required, no contract to sign. Allowing the local people the traditional use of forests. List four such activities based on 3-R approach. It has inspired all our poets, writers and artists besides providing recreation to all others. Water Supply5. Electricity produced by utilising the falling water of a dam is known as hydroelectricity. • Site for establishing labor colonies and a healthy environment should be available near the site. Coal, Petroleum. Once content is flagged, it is hidden from users and is reviewed by myCBSEguide team against our Community Guidelines. Unequal availability of resources, abundant at one place and deficient at another place. Answer: (CCE 2014) They are limited in supply and will not last indefinitely. They were denied to local persons even when they formed a cooperative for their purchase. Minimum Wastage. margin-left: auto; (CCE 2012, 2014) List any four measures for conserving forests. Requirement of dam (world wide %) 48.60% 17.40% 12.70% 10.00% 5.30% 0.60% 5.40% Irrigation Hydropower Water Supply Flood Control Recreation Navigation and Fishing Others Source: International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) 5. Which bacteria was found in Ganga water indicating contamination ? Or The arrangement made for systematic control of water flow for better optimum utilization of available water. Ground water. Wildlife is important in maintaining ecological balance of the area. (CCE 2014, 2015) Why ? Explain how would the involvement of local people be useful for successful management of forests. (C.B.S.E’. List two reasons to justify this statement. 2009) Local people around forests are stakeholders in conservation of forests because they depend upon forests for. Answer: Ecological Problems. Answer: Question 15. Release of air pollutants some of which are causing acid rain (NOx, S02). Avoid harassment and bullying. (CCE 2011) List two gases released on burning carbon. Answer: Which one out of reuse and recycle would you suggest to practise and why ? “Advantages and Disadvantages of Building Dams: a question in question that is analyzed in the present article”. (b). CH4 (methane). (a) Forest Question 30. Non-availability of varied needs of local people for fodder, fruits, nuts and medicines. (CCE 2013) | EduRev Class 10 Question is disucussed on EduRev Study Group by 117 Class 10 Students. Nature in its entirely is a pleasure to watch. margin-right: auto; It opens avenues for rapid industrial growth. Passage of raw sewage from towns and cities into it. 2009) Which one of the following gases is the major constituent of biogas : CO2, H2, CH4, CO2 ? Technology is employed to ensure minimum wastage during processing of the resource. to be rehabilitated. (CCE 2011) (b) C, H. Question 49. Question 11. 2015) Answer: Question 14. (a) How does formation of coal and petroleum occur ? They protect the soil, retain and regulate flow of rain water. (b) What is Chipko movement ? Why is equitable distribution of resources essential in a society ? Water from Dams is treated and distributed in nearby towns and cities for drinking purposes. Answer: Question 4. Cropping Pattern: It was based on water availability and experience of crop requirement. 0. Disadvantages of dams:-i) Social problems :-It displaces a large number of people who have . Answer: Question 10. (CCE 2015) List four measures that can be taken to conserve forests. Answer: Question 12. Advantages and Disadvantages of Electricity Generation Effects Caused by the Generation of Electricity Table summarises the generation of electricity, the advantages and disadvantages of various energy resources. Answer: Question 32. (CBSE Foreign 2016) (a) What is meant by sustainable development ? This will save a lot of money and energy. With the increasing human population demand for resources has also increased at an exponential rate. Industrialists who obtain raw materials for their industries. What are natural resources ? (a) Water harvesting is capturing, collection and storage of rain water and surface run off for filling either small water bodies or recharging ground water. Recycle: Metal wastes, broken plastic, broken glasswares. What is meant by biodiversity ? Industrial effluents cause water pollution. (CBSE A.I. Recreation7. 2016) It is also a major source of noise pollution. Inland Navigation6. (a) Coal, petroleum, natural gas. What are fossil fuels ? Answer: Question 43. Explain with the help of two examples how the participation of local people has led to conservation of forest in the past. Examples. Question 2. Water harvesting is capturing, collection and storage of rain water and surface run off for filling water bodies and recharging ground water. Garwal Himalayas (Uttarakhand). Answer: Question 1. (c) At the present rate of consumption how long will the known reserves of coal and petroleum last ? Justify this statement. Dam infrastructure can be affected by natural hazards, man-made threats, as well as an imbalance between resources invested and a dam’s age. Lowering of water table can be prevented through rain water harvesting by capturing, collection and storage of rain water through filling small water bodies and recharging ground water through filter wells and other means of passing rain and flood water into earth. Renewable source of energy. Development project* like building of dams, roads, canals, spread of urban areas, agriculture, etc. Answer: Development of facilities for tourists and nature lovers. (CBSE A.I. State two factors that work against an equitable distribution of these resources. How do the forests get depleted ? Already a rise of 0-6°C has been observed in atmospheric temperature during the 20th century. They provide irrigation water to a large area all around the year. 5 mark answer Answer: Benefit to Environment: Restoration of climate, protection to soil and water resources, prevention of land slides and floods. List two reasons for conserving wildlife. Drinking Water. Irrigation2. Being nonbiodegradable, waste plastic articles clog drains, kill animals and pile up adversely affecting the environment. What is dam? 12225. It can be created through. Answer: Advantages of Conserving Forest and Wildlife. 2017) Recycling of paper, metal, plastic and e-waste is done at most of the places. Learn Insta try to provide online science tutoring for you. CBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 1 Extra Questions and Answers Development Pdf free download are part of Extra Questions for Class 10 Social Science.Here we have given NCERT Extra Questions for Class 10 Social Science SST Economics Chapter 1 Development. Clearing of forest areas by industrialists for obtaining plant products including timber and wood pulp. Answer: List three advantages of different ancient water harvesting techniques developed in various parts of India. Management: The management of the local water harvesting technique was also local. What is dam ? “Industrialisation is one of the two main causes of deterioration of environment”. It also saves the resources. The exploitation is restricted so as to meet the just demands of the society. Answer: Formation of new metal from metallic wastes. Making people aware of ecological benefits of forests and wildlife. (CBSE Foreign 2008) Overgrazing and excessive felling of trees. (a) Management of resources is controlling the use of resources so as to. Management of Forests and Wildlife. Question 18. (CBSE Foreign 2010) Advantages of dams 1. Suggest any two ways to conserve forests. This prevents floods. Delhi 2017) Depletion. 1. Submergence of additional land and destroying biota. (CCE 2015) (CBSE AI. Write two main advantages and two ill-effects of constructing a big dam. }, .btn { Basically, hydroelectric power is a clean and green alternative source of e… (CCE 2012) Answer: Question 9. However, the forest department must monitor the same so that there is no excessive exploitation. (CBSE Delhi 2009 C) What harm has been caused to alpine meadows since nomadic shepherds have been stopped from grazing their cattle in such meadows ? Renewable source of energy. However, it is a highly challenging task as there is pressure on forests to turn monoculture for industry and providing land for roads, canals, dams, agriculture, development of industrial hubs. (CCE 2012) Advantages of Dam: Constant production of electricity. (CCE 2013) (CCE 2015) (CBSEA.I. Question 55. How are they formed ? Ganga is a ‘sacred’ river where people take holy bath. Mention one negative effect of our affluent life style on the environment. They cause global warming (CO2), acid rains (NOx, SO2), smog (hydrocarbons, NOx and SO2). Question 56. (CCE 2011, CBSE A.I. Answer: (CCE 2015) (b). The Advantages of Hydroelectricity. Forest products become available to the communities participating in the system. Biodiversity hotspot is an area of occurrence of diverse types of organisms which is threatened with degradation and fragmentation. Answer: By 1983, the forest was fully revived. Lakes and reservoirs can help in irrigation. Justify this statement giving two reasons. Americans annually throw away about 50 billion food and drink cans and 27 billion glass botdes and jars. Forests in Conservation of Environment. Forest provide a number of economically important products. Recycling is considered a welcome practice to deal with the environmental problems. (a) Nature and wildlife enthusiasts are highly educated, well connected and influential persons who are concerned about degradation of environment and depletion of natural resources including forests and wildlife. Give a reason as to why they should be used judiciously. Answer: The primary purpose of dams is for storage and safe retention of water in large quantity which is subsequently released to achieve various purposes such as irrigation, hydropower, recreation, water supply, flood prevention etc. Biodiversity: It is the occurrence of different types of organisms and their variants adapted to different environmental condition of the area. Benefit to Local Population: Increased availability of forest products to local people and their cattle. State any two reasons. Their consumption has to be reduced if a vacuum in energy sector is not to be created. ADVANTAGES: 1. They have, therefore, started emphasising on creation of protected areas where exploitation is minimal and preservation is maximum. Walking down or cycling for nearby distances. Used paper, polythene, metal wastes. Answer: Since this method uses water from the earth to produce electricity, the resource is renewable. Afforestation and reforestation or silviculture. Answer: Answer: Why should we conserve forests ? Answer: (b) A biodiversity hotspot is an area having a large number of endemic species which are being threatened with extinction. Along with the NCERT Solutions for the 16th chapter, we have also included management of natural resources class 10 important questions. (a) Causes of Water Pollution: Hope given Previous Year Question Papers for CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources are helpful to complete your science homework. Advantages : Question 4. The involvement of local people in management of forests helps in sustainable availability of resources besides better care of the forests. Answer: Question 41. This may hamper aquatic life and their migration to other water bodies. Generation of electricity from the water released through dams. (CCE 2011) Answer: Skills like complex problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity are rapidly moving up the list in importance for employers. Hence they should be used judiciously so as to remain available for a long time to come. Question 73. Question 15. (CCE 2012) State their effects. Cloth Bags: Using cloth bags instead of polythene, plastic or paper bags. Practising block cutting or cutting of forest equal to its regeneration capacity. Deforestation: A large area is submerged resulting in loss of forests and wildlife. Answer: 2008 C, 2017) List any four reasons for replacing it by alternate sources of energy. Question 7. Question 48. (a) Increased demand of fossil fuel due to rising requirement of energy is adversely affecting our environment by releasing large amounts of pollutants and green house gases (eg., CO2) However, the resources dwindle rapidly leading to slump. Dams provide a range of economic, environmental, and social benefits, including recreation, flood control, water supply, hydroelectric power, waste management, river navigation, and wildlife habitat. Hydroelectricity generated by dams is a renewable energy source. Reuse saves a lot of resources, e.g., reuse of carry bags, re-use of plastic bottles and jars. Reliable Energy Hydroelectricity is extremely reliable. Mention any two reasons for which environmentalists protested against raising height of “Sardar Sarovar Dam” on river Narmada.